Important: Sakai was replaced by the Canvas Learning Management system. Sakai entered a restricted access state on May 15, 2024, and will be decommissioned on May 15, 2026.

Sakai Tutorials

Create a Course Site

You should create a course site in Sakai@UNC for each of the courses for which you are the official instructor, combining multiple section rosters as needed.  During site setup, you will be able to add your official class roster(s) to your site.  You can download and print Instructions.

In order to create your course site in Sakai, your departmental course scheduling officer must list you as Primary Instructor, Secondary Instructor, Proxy, or Dean's Designate for your course in ConnectCarolina.  Instructors with the Teaching Assistant role in ConnectCarolina are unable to create course sites.

There are 4 key milestones to creating your course:

1.  Choose the semester and relative roster(s)
2.  Add a description for your course home page
3.  Select course tools or re-use content from previous course sites
4.  Set access options for your course

Please note that the course creation process creates only one course site at a time.  Checking multiple course rosters at once will place all checked rosters on the course site you are creating. Each roster can only be attached to one site at a time.

See Rosters FAQ.


Worksite Setup

  1. Log in to Sakai by selecting ONYEN Log In, in the upper right corner
  2. From My Workspace site menubar, select Worksite Setup
  3. Click New from Worksite Setup options

Screenshot of Worksite Setup.


Site Type

  1. On the Site Type screen, click on course site radio button
  2. Select the Academic term from the drop down menu
  3. Click Continue at the bottom

Screenshot of Site Type.


Course/Section Information

  1. Select the course roster(s) to be included in the site by checking the appropriate boxes.
    • Check the box next to the course you would like to create.
    • Note: You may create only ONE course site at a time. 
    • Caution: Do not check the boxes next to multiple sites unless your goal is to attach ALL of the rosters to ONE site.
    • If you do not see a Course/Section then contact your scheduling officer to determine if you are identified as the instructor of record.
  2. After checking the appropriate box, click Continue

Screenshot of Course/Section Selection.


Screenshot of selected sections.




To create one course site with multiple rosters attached, select the Group of Sections

Select multiple rosters ONLY if you want them associated with the same course site.


On the Course Site Information screen, the roster(s) are listed and the Site Title is pre-filled.

  1. Enter a long and/or short description for your site.  The long description will appear on your site’s home page
  2. Select Continue at the bottom

Screenshot of Course Site Information.


Course Site Tools

On the Course Site Tools screen, several commonly used tools are pre-selected to add to your site

  1. Check or Uncheck tools in the list to customize the tools for your course site
  2. Click Continue at the bottom of the screen.

Screenshot of Course Site Tools.


Re-use Material from Other Sites You Own

You can elect to duplicate course sites from previous semesters.

  1. Select the radial button Yes, from these sites:
    • If you choose to duplicate a course site then you must have those same tools selected from the above list.

Screenshot of Re-use Material from Other Sites You Own.

  1. Select the material you want to re-use
  2. Then click Continue at the bottom of the screen
    • If you selected the Email Archive and/or Web Content tool on the Course Site Tools screen, then the Customize Tools screen is displayed to configure these tools.
    • If you elected to duplicate a previous course site the Re-use Material from Other Sites screen is displayed.

Screenshot of material chosen to be re-used.


Course Site Access

  1. The Course Site Access screen gives you the option to Publish site.  If the box is checked then students and others you added to the site will have access.
    • Under the Global Access section of the Course Site Access screen, leave the default setting to prevent a listing in the public Sites Directory.
  2. Click Continue at the bottom

Screenshot of Course Site Access.


Confirm Your Course Site Setup

  1. Review the site information on the Confirm Your Course Site Setup screen
  2. If changes are needed, click the Back button.  Otherwise, click the Create Site button to create your new site

Screenshot of Confirm Your Course Site Setup.


Repeat this process for each unique course site you would like to create in Sakai.

To access your new site, you can click the site tab that appears in the site tab navigation bar.  You can also view a list of all your courses in Worksite Setup.